First Roman Catholic Priests in Ile-a-la-Crosse.

Religious History Of St. John Baptiste
Parish Ile-a-la-Crosse - 150 Years.

The Church - The People Of God.

Three Crosses. Three Crosses.
Pictorial History of Ile-a-la-Crosse,
Saskatchewan Part five.
Brothers attend to the gardens.

Brothers attend to the gardens



Logging and the boat house.

Logging and the boat house

The mission truck.

The mission truck

Joyful moments for the youngsters.

Joyful moments for the youngsters
Rosaire Rho OMI

Some of the first Grey Nuns.

Some of the first Grey Nuns

Some of the first Grey Nuns.

Some of the first Grey Nuns

Some of the first Grey Nuns.

Some of the first Grey Nuns

Grey Nuns and Jubilee Celebrations.

Grey Nuns and Jubilee Celebrations

Grey Nuns and Jubilee Celebrations.

Grey Nuns and Jubilee Celebrations

Grey Nuns and Jubilee Celebrations.

Grey Nuns and Jubilee Celebrations

Grey Nuns and Bishop Paul Dumouchel, OM1 1955 - 1960.

Grey Nuns and Bishop Paul Dumouchel, OM1 1955 - 1960

Grey Nuns and Bishop Paul Dumouchel, OM1 1955 - 1960.

Grey Nuns and Bishop Paul Dumouchel, OM1 1955 - 1960

My e-mail
Guestbook two

Author: Webmaster -
"Date Modified: December 11, 2023."

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| Timber Trails - History of Big River |

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| Face the North Wind - Art Karas |

| North to Cree Lake - Art Karas |

| Look at the Past - History Dore Lake |

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