Church header.

Oblate Priests Who Have Ministered To the
Ile-a-la-Crosse Church.

Three Crosses.
1. Ancel, Francois-Xavier - 1905 - 1906; 1924 - 1925 44. Lajeunesse, Martin - 1921 - 1926
2. Aubut, Gerard - 1964 - 1965 45. Lavigueur, Lucien - 1965 - 1969
3. Beaudet, Gerard - 1949 - 1955 46. Lavoie, Sylvain - 1972,73,(scholastic - as priest;78-85;87-90)
4. Beaudet, Richard - 1969 - 1972 47. Lecorre, Auguste - 1903 - 1905
5. Belanger, Vianney - 1946, 1959 48. Legeard, Prosper - 1868 - 1879*
6. Bignami, Pietro - 1953,65 Temporarily;75 Retreat 49. Legoff, Laurent - 1870 - 1882*
7. Bleau, Victor - 1933 - 1937 50. Lemay, Raymond - 1946 - 1949, 1952
8. Bonatti, Virgilio - 1960 - 1962 51. Lenz, Francis - 1985 - 1987
9. Bourbonnais, Joseph - 1954 - 1963; 1969 - 1972 52. Lesage, Germain 1944 - 1945
10. Burlot, Guy - 1947 - 1948 53. Maisonneuve, Augustin - 1851 - 1852*
11. Caer, Jean Marie - 1865 - 1869* 54. Mathieu, Bertrand - 1951 occasionally
12. Chapelliere, Gerasime - 1875 - 1880* 55. Moraud, Louis - 1916 - 1924;26 -36 and many visits
13. Chaput, Joseph - 1943,44;54-58;66-69;70,72-77 56. Moulin, Julien - 1859 - 1870;74-75;1880 - 1882 *
14. Clement, Leo - 1942,44,51,54,1958 - 1963 57. Naud, Guy - 1959
15. Cloutier, Paul-Eugene - 1969 on different occasions 58. Penard, Jean-Marie - 1890 - 1895, 98-1901; 1923-1926*
16. Cochin, Louis - 1906 - 1908 59. Perreault, Joseph-Edward - 1944 - 1949; 52, 64-69, 71,72, 81
17. Darveau, Adrien - 1944 - 1946 60. Pioget, Paul - 1922 - 1923;50-54;58-63
18. Dauphin, Louis - 1874 - 1878; l882 - 1887* 61. Poirier, Laurent - 1952- 1958; 1963-1966; 1976-1978
19. Delmas, Henri - 1898 - 1900* 62. Rapet, Joseph - 1881 - 1898; 1901-1905-1915*
20. Doucet, Leon - 1872 - 1874 63. Remy, Guy - 1936 - 1952
21. Dubeau, Joseph - 1919 Ordained Priest 64. Rho, Rosaire - 1958 - 1963; 1969-70, 74, 76
22. Ducharme, Roch - 1955 - 1957; 64 65. Rivard, Andre - 1936 - 1937; 1962-1964
23. Dufault, Norbert - 1964 66. Rossignol, Marius - 1911 - 1956, 1958
24. Dumont, Wilfred - 1945 - 1947 67. Saint-Pierre Jules - 1932 - 1933
25. Durand, Marcel - 1960, 1964; 1970-72 (residence) 68. Seguin, Jean - 1860 - 1861 *
26. Egenolf, Joseph - 1903 - 1905 69. Sheehy, Claude - 1978 - 1983
27. Engel, Norbert - 1984- 1985 70. Silva, Nestor - 1995 (until Dec.) (non resident)
28. Faraud, Henri - 1848 - 1849;1861-63;then bishop* 71. Simonin, Francois-Xavier - 1900 - 1904
29. Fiori, James - 1970;(Oct.9/71-ordination);72-76 72. Stang, William - 1992 - 1995 (non-resident)
30. Gagnon, Francois-Xavier - 1935 - 1936;54-56;66;70-72 73. Tache, Alexandre - 1846 - 1859; 52-56* and as bishop
31. Gaste, Alphonse - 1861* 74. Teston, Jules - 1883 - 1884; 1885 - 1890*
32. Giard, Antonio - 1945 and Occasional visits 75. Thibault, Jean Baptiste - 1845 (first visit of a diocesan priest)*
33. Grandin, Vital-Justin - 1857 - 1859;60-69 then as Bishop 76. Tissier, Christophe - 1865*
34. Grollier, Henri - 1856 - 1858* 77. Tissat, Jean - 1850 - 1855*
35. Gui11oux, Nicolas - 1949 - 1961 78. Trudeau, George-Etienne - 1946
36. Hebert, Louis - 1924 - 1926 79. Turcot, Germain 1962 - 1963; 1988 - 1996...
37. Hupe, George-Aime - 1959 - 1963 80. Ulrich, Albert 1995 - 1996 (non-resident)
38. Jacques, Charlemagne - 1931 81. Vegreville, Valentin 1853 - 1860*
39. Jouan, Henri - 1895 - 1897* 82. Warnke, Eugene - 1986 - 1992
40. Kenbin, Yves -1938 - 1944 83. Watelle, Adolphe - 1902 - 1904
41. Labonte, Gerard - 1940 84. Zimmer, Ronald 1988 - 1989
42. Lacombe, Ernest 1908 - 1911 85. Zunti, John 1987 - 1988 (interparish ministry)
43. Lafleche, L. F. 1846 - 1849 dioc. Priest then Bishop*  

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Guestbook image.

Author: Webmaster -
"Date Modified: November 27, 2024"

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