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Introduction to

Who's Who in Furs, 1951 - 52.

This, the 5th edition of "Who's Who In Furs" again goes to an ever-widening field. While primarily devoted to the Canadian fur trade it circulates throughout the world and indirectly is of material benefit to the whole of the North American fur trade. This has always been our intention. Fur farming is generally considered as an integral part of the fur trade and is so considered here rather than as a separate industry.

The fur trade has, from the earliest days, played an important role in the development of North America, furnishing to the Indian and later the white man, food. clothing and money. North America, and especially Canada, remains the last great continent sparsely settled. With the great areas where wild furbearers formerly thrived being rapidly pushed back and even completely wiped out; with greatly accelerated immigration and the most remote areas being reached by plane, the day of an ever-increasing fur supply from the wilds is passed. More and more our fur supply will come from fur farms - finer and more beautiful furs keyed to milady's design in the lightness of leather, in length of fur - produced in colours and varieties to meet fashion's whims.

While "Who's Who In. Furs" goes regularly to all Fur Trade Journal readers at the time it is published, as well as to Government heads and officials throughout the world, it also has a wide sale and distribution to those people interested in entering the fur farming industry - to public libraries and educational institutions and to business firms and editors who have an interest in the business.

Last year for the first time we listed the trade proper, that is the retail stores and manufacturing furriers of Canada and the firms affiliated with this branch of the industry. After all the fur trade is one industry and when directories are turned out on an industry it is the object and duty of such directories to cover every item having a bearing on any part of the trade.

We are again pleased to be able to bring together in one volume the two important parts of the fur trade today - the producer and the manufacturer. While the trapper was originally the producer he is gradually giving way to the fur farmer who produces the quality furs most in demand. The fur farmer today is truly as much a pioneer in his field as were our grandfathers who came to this country and hewed a home out of the forests when only the Indians and the buffaloes roamed the wilderness and the plains.

While it is not of vital importance that the fur farmer understands the manufacture of fur coats, certain knowledge of marketing technique will make him a better fur farmer. On the other hand, the progressive furrier is, particularly today, dependent to a large extent on the ranch-raised furs for part of his livelihood and nothing but good can result from his taking a keen interest in the furs that are being ranch raised. It has been our experience that even the leading manufacturers are sadly lacking in their knowledge of some of the very goods which they manufacture and sell. They don't have to know the genetics of mink breeding but it would give increased sales ability to be able to talk about and identify the various types and to pronounce their names correctly.

It has been predicted for many years that the twentieth century belonged to Canada. No one can doubt this for a minute who sees the tremendous growth of our cities and population and the gigantic development of our natural resources and industry. The Canadian fur industry will certainly be affected by this growth - a fact which neither the fur farmers nor the manufacturers should overlook.

No country has so gained the name of a "fur country" as Canada has. No country can produce better furs than Canada does, whether from the wilds or the ranches. In the past, our designers and manufacturers have largely followed the lead of other centres and for that matter they still do. In recent years our manufacturers have made only as Canadian furs but of Canadian manufacture.

Great strides in design and manufacture and today produce garments the equal of anything in the world, from the standpoint of quality, style and finish. Women from the United States, from South America, from Europe come here to buy their furs, not only as Canadian furs but of Canadian manufacture.

It is the advertisers who continue to make possible the yearly publication of this volume. In so doing they are promoting not only their own personal business but the industry as a whole. For such support we are grateful and we, in turn, ask our readers not to forget them when they are in the market for the animals or the merchandise so advertised.

Who's Who In Furs

Model with a Silverblu Mink Stole.
A model with a Silverblu Mink Stole.

My e-mail image.
Guestbook image.

Author: Webmaster - jkcc.com "Date Modified: January 27, 2025."

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