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The Book Notes.

Tiger lily. Tiger lily.

1. Jefferson, Robert, Fifty Years on the Saskatchewan (Battleford: Canadian North-West Historical Society, 1929), p. 58.

2. Harmon, Daniel William, A Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior of North America (Andover: Flagg and Gould, 1820), p. 81.

3. Houston, C. Stuart, ed., To the Arctic by Canoe, 1819-1821. The Journal and Paintings of Robert Hood, midshipman with Franklin (Montreal: The Arctic Institute of North America, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1974), pp. 74-75.

4. W. E. Traill to his mother, from Fort Ellice, 22 June 1865, W. E. Traill Papers, Saskatchewan Archives Board (hereafter SAB), Saskatoon.

5. Canada, Sessional Papers, 28, vol. 21, no. 17, N.W.M.P. Annual Report, "Report of Superintendent A. B. Perry at Prince Albert," 1887, p. 73.

6. See Hudson's Bay Company Archives, A.74/9/, p. 15. 16.

7. Pelly, Joe, A History of Cumberland House 1774-1974 (Cumberland House: Bicentennial Committee, 1974), p. 12.

8. In 1908, the Department of the Interior assigned to Frank J. P. Crean the task of procuring all information possible on the land lying to the east of the Beaver River and Green Lake, south of Churchill River, and extending east to the old canoe route from Cumberland House via Frog Portage. The object of the study was to ascertain the value of the area for farming, lumbering, and mining purposes. The work, which resulted in a comprehensive report, was completed in 1908-1909. While undertaking the survey Mr. Crean took a number of photographs, which he developed in the field. The two pictures included here give some idea of the people and landscape of northern Saskatchewan at that time.

9. Rev. John Alexander Mackay Journal, Stanley Mission, 1870-1872, in Innes Papers, SAB, Saskatoon.

10. Regina Leader, 25 October 1883.

11. Niels Gording Remembrances, SAB, Regina

12. Weston, Thomas Chesmer, Reminiscences Among the Rock in Connection with the Geological Survey of Canada (Toronto: Warwick Bros. and Rutler, 1899), pp. 179-180.

13. Edward Ahenakew quoted in Buck, Ruth Matheson, "The Story of the Ahenakews," Saskatchewan History, vol. XVII, no. 1, 1964, pp. 12-13.

14. Bryce, G., Holiday Rambles Between Winnipeg and Victoria (Winnipeg: no publisher, 1885), p. 57.

15. Department of the Interior, Dominion Lands Branch, file 41345, SAB, Saskatoon.

16. W. V. Yonge Papers, SAB, Regina.

17. Canada, Sessional Papers, 25, vol. 38, no. 10, Department of the Interior Annual Report, 1904, pp. 12-13.

18. William Hutchinson Diary, quoted in Lyle, G. R., "Eye Witness to Courage," Saskatchewan History, vol. XX, no. 3, 1967, p. 83.

19. Collingwood, Herman, "My Life History from 1904 to 1970 in Saskatchewan," SAB, Regina.

20. Smith, Hembrow F., "The Great Adventure in the North West Territory of Canada, Diary," Western Development Museum, Saskatoon.

21. Ibid.

22. Self, Harry, "Memoirs of My First Years in Canada as Written in 1964," SAB, Regina.

23. Davis, Charles, Glaslyn, Saskatchewan Archives Questionnaire: Pioneer Folklore, SAB, Saskatoon.

24. Ranching in the Canadian Northwest (no place, 1903), p. 29.

25. Stock, A. B., Ranching in the Canadian West (London: Adam and Charles Black, 1912), p. 36.

26. West, Edward, Homesteading: Two Prairie Seasons (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1918), pp. 97-98.

27. Hutchinson, Wm., "When the Thrasher Comes," Weekly Telegraph (Sheffield), 7 April 1906.

28. Clark, W. C., The Country Elevator in the Canadian West. No. 20, Kingston: Jackson Press, 1916, p. 2.

29. Crampton, P., Early Days in the Carrot River Valley, SAB, Saskatoon.

30. Story of the Early Days - Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Regina, from an interview by Hopkins Moorhouse, 8 April 1916, Saskatchewan History, vol. VIII, no. 3, 1955, p. 109.

31. Mitchell, Sylvia, Regina, Zonta Club Essay Contest, SAB, Regina.

32. MacIntosh, Ruth, "Unforgettable Characters of Long Ago," SAB, Saskatoon.

33. Larson, Lars, Swift Current, Zonta Club Essay Contest, SAB, Regina.

34. Rodwell, Lloyd, "Saskatchewan Homestead Records," Saskatchewan History, vol. XVIII, no. 1, 1965, pp. 10-29.

35. Taphorn, Mrs. Minnie, "My Pioneer Days from 1906 to 1955,"
SAB, Saskatoon.

36. Friesen, Sarah, Reminiscing from 1899-1916, SAB, Saskatoon.

37. Hawthorne, Mabel (Wilson), "My Reminiscence of Fifty Years on the Saskatchewan Prairie," SAB, Regina.

38. Saskatchewan, Public Service Monthly, vol. II, no. 4, 1913, pp. 13-14.

39. Collingwood, Herman, "My Life History From 1904 to 1970 in Saskatchewan," SAB, Regina.

40. Cunningham, Alex, "The Biography of the Cunningham Family 1925 to 1972," SAB, Saskatoon.

41. Crampton, P., "Early Days in the Carrot River Valley," SAB, Saskatoon.

42. Gordon Bell, Vancouver, to John H. Archer, Regina, 25 May 1978, SAB, Regina.

43. Harris, G. A., "Some History and Pioneer Experiences of Heward, Sask. From its Settlement in 1900 to 1914," SAB, Regina.

44. Moore, W. T., "The Memoirs of W. T. Moore," SAB, Regina.

45. Kennedy, Allan, "Reminiscences of a Lumberjack," Saskatchewan History, vol. XIX, no. 1, 1966, p. 29.

46. Ouellette, Josie Olsen, "As I Recall," SAB, Regina.

47. North West Territories, Department of Agriculture, Annual Report, 1903, p. 142.

48. Memories of Muenster's 70 Progressive Years, 19031973 (Muenster: Catholic Women's League, St. Peter's Press, about 1973), p. 17.

49. Bibbing, Mrs. W. T., "Chaplin," Mrs. W. T. Bibbing Papers, SAB, Saskatoon.

50. MacLean, Hugh, "Autobiography," Hugh MacLean Papers, SAB, Saskatoon.

51. Canada, Sessional Papers, 28, vol. 52, no. 18, R.N. W.M.P. Annual Report, "Report of Superintendent J. A. McGibbon at Regina," 1917, p. 27.

52. Saskatchewan, Public Service Monthly, vol. XIV, no. 12, 1926, p. 13.

53. Kirk, Lawrence E., Early Years in the College of Agriculture, Saskatchewan History, vol. XII, no. 1, 1959, p. 29.

54. "Report to the Advisory Council in Agriculture," 18 January 1923, Dean of Agriculture, University of Saskatchewan Archives.

55. "My Experience with a Farm Truck," Canadian Power Farmer, vol. 26, no. 11, November 1921.

56. Canada, Department of the Interior, "Report of S.D. Fawcett (Upper Churchill Basin of Northern Saskatchewan)," 1920, SAB, Regina.

57. Updike, Ted, "Interview on Trapping in Northern Saskatchewan," Oral History Project, SAB, Regina.

58. "Saskatchewan's First Hydro Plant," Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin, no. 220, August 1930, pp. 949-950.

59. Worcester, G.W., "Saskatchewan Industrial Minerals," Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin, no. 277, May 1935, p. 244.

60. Breed, E. Saskatoon (no publisher, 1913), pp. 5-8.

61. MacLean, Hugh, "Autobiography," Hugh MacLean Papers, SAB, Saskatoon.

62. Saskatchewan, Department of Highways, Annual Report, 1929.

63. MacKenzie, R.H., Chief Field Engineer, Department of Highways, Address to the 22nd Annual Convention of the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities.

64. Bucking the Beautiful. Snow Bound on the Prince Albert Branch - The Singular Adventures of a Journalist, Moose Jaw Times, 28 April 1893, quoted in Saskatchewan History, vol. XIV, no. 1, 1961, pp. 30-31.

65. Excerpts From Diary of Wm. Good, Shellbrook, Saskatchewan, 1919-1962, SAB, Saskatoon.

66. Rev. W. P. Reekie, secretary, The Social Service Council of Saskatchewan to Premier W. M. Martin, 9 January 1922, W. M. Martin Papers, p. 41363, SAB, Saskatoon.

67. Light, Alice, "My Memoirs," SAB, Saskatoon.

68. Saskatchewan, Public Service Monthly, vol. XIV, no. 4, 1925.

69. Canada, Sessional Papers, 13, vol. 61, no. 2, Annual Report of the Department of Immigration and Colonization, 1925, p. 5.

70. McIntosh, Edna Staples, interviewed by A. M. Nicholson, SAB, Saskatoon.

71. Address of George H. Williams, President of United Farmers of Canada (Saskatchewan Section), at the annual convention, 24 February 1931.

72. Richard, S., My First Five Years In Canada - 1900-1905 and Continued to the Year 1950, SAB, Saskatoon.

73. Capling, J. A., "Would We Do It Again," SAB, Saskatoon.

74. Mowery, Doreen, Regina, Zonta Club Essay Contest, Regina.

75. Giesbrecht, David, "History of Homesteading in Northern Saskatchewan (Prince Albert)," Oral History Project, SAB, Regina.

76. "Experiences of a Depression Hobo," Saskatchewan History, vol. XXII, no. 2, 1969, p. 60.

77. Ibid., p. 62.

78. Buchanan, Lt. Col. G. B. The March of the Prairie Men. A Story of the South Saskatchewan Regiment (Weyburn and Estevan: South Saskatchewan Regiment Regimental Association, 1957), p. 63

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