Map Page Header.

Ausland Lake.

Maps and Information.

Video of Ausland Lake.
Map of Ausland Lake.
Map of Ausland and Heinen Lakes.
Map of Churchill River area.
Map of Churchill River area.
Map of Deep River.
Map showing location of Deep River Mink Ranch on
Aubichon Arm of Churchill River.
Honorary Scroll.
Official letter of recognition and Honorary Scroll.

Letter of Recognition.
Official letter of recognition and Honorary Scroll.
Given to Halvor Ausland for his contribution to the development
of Northern Saskatchewan.

Honorary Scroll Contents.

The Government Of Saskatchewan named Ausland Lake on October 25, 1983 in commemoration of Halvor Ausland. "Saskatchewan's finest resource is the character of her peoples: It is appropriate that her geographical features perpetuate the names and honour the work of those prominent in the development of the Province, and those who gave dedicated service to fellow citizens."

Signed by: Clay Serby.
Minister Responsible for the
Geographical Names Board.

Official Letter of Recognition Contents.

In recognition of your activities as an early pioneer in Saskatchewan's northland, I am pleased to inform you of the official naming of a geographic feature in your honour. The feature selected is a lake located approximately 17 miles southeast of Buffalo Narrows, in northwestern Saskatchewan, and clearly marked on the enclosed maps. The name Ausland Lake has been adopted as an official map and place name and submitted for recording with the Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names.

On behalf of the province and the Geographic Names Board, I am pleased to affix my signature to the enclosed Commemorative Scroll, signifying to the authenticity of records held in our department.

Signed by George Mcleod.
Minister of Supply and Service,
Saskatchewan Government.

With the kind permission of J. Gordon Shillingford publishing, three relevant books have been included in this web page. The Managers Tale, is the story of Hugh Ross, a District Manager for the Hudson Bays Company. A portion of this book deals with the Ile-a-la-Crosse, Buffalo Narrows, Portage La Loche, Lac La Ronge areas of Northern Saskatchewan.

The book also gives a detailed account of a bygone era and tells of many interesting events that took place in Northern Saskatchewan in the 1940s and 1950s. Halvor Ausland is mentioned in the book, as are many others from that area. These books are now out of print, but the Managers tale may still be purchased from J. Gordon Schillingford Publishers in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Map of Close Lake. Russell Lake. The map (left), shows the Close Lake area, where Fred Darbyshire and Ed Theriau trapped for so many years. The map on the (right), shows Russell Lake, known locally as Poorfish Lake. All of this country was trapped by Fred and Ed and is described in the book, Lost Land of the Caribou In the upper portion of Close Lake is Darbyshire Bay, named after Fred Darbyshire, his trapping cabin was located in this area. They would travel north by canoe in the fall and in later years, Fred flew into his trapline by aircraft.

On the right, is a map of the Chipewyan village of Patuanak. It is located some 40 miles north of Ile-a-la-Crosse, Saskatchewan. This was the jumping of point for most of the trappers who went north to Cree Lake. The Mudjatik River, joins the Churchill River not far from this village. The Churchill River, was used by all of the fur trading companies to bring in supplies for the local fur posts and to take their furs to market. It was also a major route for the early explorers, such as Alexander MacKenzie, Sir John Franklin, Peter Pond and several others. Map of Ile-a-la-Crosse Drawing by Riels sister. The map (left): shows the Ile-a-la-Crosse area. Deep River Fur Farm, founded by Halvor Ausland, was located approximately 24 miles northwest on Deep River. Photograph (right): shows an onionskin drawing of the village of Ile-a-la-Crosse. It was drawn by Louis Riel's sister, Sara Riel, in 1874. She was a member of the Sisters Of Charity and joined the mission in 1871. She served the school and hospital until her death in 1883, at the age of 34. Louis Riel's father, was born in Ile-a-la-Crosse and later moved to Manitoba where young Louis Riel grew up. The old church building stood I believe, until the 1970-80's period and was replaced by a new modern church building. In its history, it saw everything including floods, that had residents tying their canoes to the front of the church, to an incident recalled by Halvor Ausland, a bush pilot named George Greening. One dark snowy night, George flew his aircraft over the church steeple and crashed on the ice of Ile-a-la-Crosse Lake. Although badly injured, George walked two miles to the village to get help for his seriously injured passenger. Both men survived and George continued to fly for many more years and became a legend in the north. George was a colorful and happy-go-lucky character and was well liked by everyone. He flew for several years for Waite Fisheries and later, for the Saskatchewan Government Airways.

H. Ausland and George Greening. George Greening
Photo (left) Halvor Ausland and George Greening at Deep River Fur Farm. George is standing on the Waco BBQ, aircraft which he flew while in the employ of Waite Fisheries. The photograph was taken in the 1940's,

Photo (right): George Greening (left), having coffee with Frank "Dutchy" Hansen (right) and Wilfred Gauthier (center) at Buffalo Narrows, Saskatchewan. The photograph was taken in 1956.

This photograph is from the book, A History Of Buffalo Narrows, credit for its use should go to John and Mary Hansen of Buffalo Narrows, Saskatchewan.

Chipewyan Indians.
Chipewyan Indians arriving at Ile-a-la-Crosse, from Patuanak, circa: 1898. This was an annual event that lasted until the 1950s. They always camped on the shore near the Ile-a-la-Crosse cemetery. Note: the hand-made birch bark canoes.

Aerial view Ile-a-la-Crosse.
An aerial view of Ile-a-la-Crosse looking southeast, the photograph was taken in 1925. The Hudson's Bay Company buildings and Ile-a-la-Crosse are in the background.

e-mail image.
Guestbook image.

Author: Webmaster -
"Date Modified: January 17, 2025."

Links to all Webpages:

| Ausland Lake |
Northern Saskatchewan

| Deep River Fur Farm |

| Deep River Trapping Page |

| Deep River Fishing Page |

| My Norwegian Roots |

| Aasland Farm, Norway |

| My Norwegian Family |

| Early Mink of People Canada |
E. Rendle Bowness

| The Manager's Tale |
Hugh McKay Ross

| Sakitawak Bi-Centennial |
200 Year History.

| Lost Land of the Caribou |
Ed Theriau

| A History of Buffalo Narrows |

| Hugh (Lefty) McLeod |
Bush Pilot

| George Greening |
Bush Pilot

| Timber Trails |
A History of Big River

| Joe Anstett, Trapper |

| Bill Windrum, Bush Pilot |

| Face the North Wind |
By Art Karas

| North to Cree Lake |
By Art Karas

| Look at the Past |
A History Dore Lake

| George Abbott |
A Family History

| These Are The Prairies |

| William A. A. Jay, Trapper |

| John Hedlund, Trapper |

| Deep River Photo Gallery |

| Cyril Mahoney, Trapper |

| Saskatchewan |
A Pictorial History

| Who's Who in furs |
1952 to 1956

| A Century in the Making |
A Big River History

| Wings Beyond Road's End |

| The Northern Trapper, 1923 |

| My Various Links Page |

| Ron Clancy, Author |

| Roman Catholic Church |
A History from 1849

| Frontier Characters - Ron Clancy |

| Northern Trader - Ron Clancy |

| Various Deep River Videos |

| How the Indians Used the Birch |

| The Great Fur Land |

| The Death of Albert Johnson |

| A Mink and Fish Story |
Buffalo Narrows

| Gold and Other Stories |
Berry Richards

| Saskatchewan James Carnegie |