Photographs courtesy of
Nora Darbyshire.
Left to right: Ed Theriau, H.B.C. Manager?, Fred Darbyshire at Reindeer Lake.
Left to right: H.B.C. Manager? Ed Theriau, Fred Darbyshire. Photograph was probably taken at Pinehouse.
Natomagan Family at Pinehouse.
Natomagan Family at Pinehouse.
Fred and a lady friend at Pinehouse.
Two Ladies at Pinehouse.
Two ladies in front of a tent.
H.B.C. Manager? reading a magazine.
Boats on a lake.
Trappers in a canoe.
Fred Darbyshire and unidentified trappers in a canoe.
Fred repairing a canoe.
Fred Darbyshire and unidentified trappers.
Trapper, possibly Ed Theriaus friend Arvid and canoe.
Natives and canoes.
Caribou head and horns in canoe.
Trappers paddling canoes.
Caribou outside Fred's cabin window. Photograph taken by Nora Darbyshire.
Caribou outside Fred's cabin window.
Preparing to set fishnets.
Fur Catch.
Trapper with child and furs.
Ed Theriau with his fur catch.
Priest and residents at Pinehouse.
Fred in front of his tent camp.