Buffalo Narrows header.

Buffalo Narrows Book Footnotes.

Buffalo Narrows. Buffalo Narrows.

Chapter 1

1. Proceedings: Northern Athapascan Conference, 1971, vol. II. National Museum of Man Series,
A. McFayden Clarke, (Ottawa: 1975), p. 38.
9. National Museum of Man., Clarke, p. 362. 17. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, p.11.
2. Ibid., p. 362. 10. Sask. Indian Heritage, Zenon Pohorecky, (Saskatoon: U of Sask., 1970), p. 5. 18. The People of Northern Saskatchewan, Tymchak, p. 18.
3. National Museum of Man Series, Clarke, P. 375. 11. Saskatchewan People, Zenon Pohorecky, (Saskatoon: Sask. Dept. Of Culture and Youth, 1977), p. 48. 19. Hudson's Bay Company Archives, Letter from G. Wells to R. Wuorinen, (Winnipeg: July 22, 1980).
4. Ibid., p. 383. 12.The Fur Trade in Canada, Harold Innis, ( U. of Toronto Press, 1975), p. 199. 20. The Fur Trade in Canada, Innis, p. 342.
5. National Museum of Man Series, Clarke, p.376. 13. National Museum of Man Series, Clarke, p. 376. 21. The People of Northern Saskatchewan, Tymchak, p. 101.
6. Ibid., p. 374. 14. The People of Northern Saskatchewan, Michael Tymchak, La Ronge:
Academic Education, D.N.S., 1975, p. 36.
22. Roman Catholic Mission Records, (Buffalo Narrows: 1930-1980).
7. National Museum of Man Series, Clarke, p. 383. 15. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, (Meadow Lake: Amisk Planning Consultants, July 30, 1978), p. 10. 23. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, p. 9.
8. Ibid., p 360. 16. Ibid., p.10. 24. Interview with Thomas Chartier, July 29, 1980.

Chapter 2

1. Roman Catholic Mission Records, (Buffalo Narrows: 1930-1980). 25. Interview with Hazel MacDonald, July 31, 1980. 49. Ibid.
2. A Geographic Survey and Analysis of the Buffalo Region of Northern Sask., Sask. Archives Board, File #6010, (Regina, 1952), p. 141. 26. Interview with Evan Bakken, January, 1979. 50. Interview with Hilda, Jacob and Kent Halvorsen, August 30, 1980.
3. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, (Meadow Lake: Amisk Planning Consultants, July 30, 1978), p. 37. 27. Interview with Hilda, Jacob and Kent Halvorsen, August 30, 1980. 51. Ibid.
4. Ibid., p. 37. 28. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, p. 18. 52. Interview with Martin Chartier, September 8, 1980.
5. Interview with Ross MacLeod, August 21, 1980. 29. Interview with Elsie Pedersen and Mabel Goertzen, August 20, 1980. 53. Ibid.
6. Roman Catholic Mission Records. 30. Ibid. 54. Interview with Hilda, Jacob and Kent Halvorsen, August 30, 1980.
7. Interview with Blanche MacDonald, July, 1980. 31. Interview with Elsie Pedersen and Mabel Goertzen, August 20, 1980. 55. Roman Catholic Mission Records.
8. Roman Catholic Mission Records. 32. Telephone Interview with Jacob Halvorsen, August 26, 1980. 56. Interview with Hilda, Jacob and Kent Halvorsen, August 30, 1980.
9. Ibid. 33. Roman Catholic Mission Records. 57. Ibid.
10. Interview with Skipper Pedersen, August 30, 1980. 34. Roman Catholic Mission Records. 58. Interview with Hilda, Jacob and Kent Halvorsen, August 30, 1980.
11. Interview with Elsie Pedersen, July, 1980. 35. Roman Catholic Mission Records. 59. Ibid.
12. The Snowshoe Telegraph, (Buffalo Narrows: Unity Training Centres Inc., April 15, 1965), vol. I #7. 36. Interview with Alice Larson, August 28, 1980.  
13. Ibid. 37. Ibid. 61.Ibid.
14. Interview with Guy McKay, August, 1980. 38. Interview with Alice Larson, August 28, 1980. 62. Interview with Hilda, Jacob and Kent Halvorsen, August 30, 1980
15.The Snowshoe Telegraph, Vol. I #7. 39. Interview with Hilda, Jacob and Kent Halvorsen, August 30, 1980. 63. Ibid.
16. Interview with Florence Petit, August 13, 1980. 40. Telephone Interview with Halvor Ausland, September 1, 1980. 64. Interview with Hilda, Jacob and Kent Halvorsen, August 30, 1980.
17. Ibid. 41. Interview with Hilda, Jacob and Kent Halvorsen, August 30, 1980. 65. Ibid.
18. Interview with Florence Petit, August 13, 1980. 42. Interview with Alice Larson, August 28, 1980. 66. Interview with Hilda, Jacob and Kent Halvorsen, August 30, 1980.
19. Interview with Thomas Chartier, July 29, 1980. 43. The Visitor, (Buffalo Narrows: Gospel Lighthouse, October, 1946). 67. Ibid
20. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, p. 18. 44. Telephone Interview with Norman Tinker, August 27, 1980.  
21. Interview with Maglaire Morin, July, 1980. 45. Interview with Alice Larson, August 28, 1980.  
22. Ibid. 46. Interview with Hilda, Jacob and Kent Halvorsen, August 30, 1980.  
23. Interview with Blanche MacDonald, July, 1980. 47. Ibid.  
24. Interview with Florence Petit, August 13, 1980. 48. Interview with Hilda, Jacob and Kent Halvorsen, August 30, 1980.  

Chapter 3

1. Hudson's Bay Company Archives, Letter from G. Wells to R. Wuorinen, (Winnipeg: July 22, 1980). 8. Interview with Maglaire Morin, July 30, 1980.
2. The Fur Trade in Canada, Harold Innis, (Toronto: University Of Toronto Press, 1965), p. 364. 9. Buffalo Narrows, File #NR 86 "Annual Trappers Meeting," (Buffalo Narrows: D.N.S. Resources Branch, August 13, 1966).
 3. Ibid. 10. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, Amisk Consultants, (Meadow Lake: July 30, 1978), p.18.
4. Interview with Guy McKay, Jackie McKay, August, 1980. 11. "Young Losing Traditional Values Says Old-Timer", Denosa, Rick Belanger, (La Ronge: D.N.S. December, 1977), p.14.
5. Interview with Maglaire Morin, July 30, 1980. 12. Interview with John Hansen, July, 1980.
6. Interview with Hazel MacDonald, July, 1980. 13. A Geographic Study and Analysis of the Buffalo Region of Northern Sask.
Sask. Archives Board, Saskatoon, File #6010, (Regina, 1952).
7. Interview with Blanch MacDonald, July, 1980. 14. Buffalo Narrows, "Conservation Officers Fur Advisory Report: 1967-1968",
(Buffalo Narrows: D.N.S. Resources Branch, 1967-1968) p. 1.

Chapter 4

1. Interview with Richard Waite, August 5, 1980. 7. Ibid. 13. Interview with Richard Waite, August 5, 1980.
2. Interview with Maglaire Morin, July 30, 1980. 8. Interview with Maglaire Morin, July 30, 1980. 14. A Geographic Survey and Analysis of the Buffalo Region of Northern Sask., (Saskatoon File #6010, Sask. Archives Board, (1952), p. 66.
  3. Interview with Blanche MacDonald, July, 1980. 9. Interview with John and Mary Hansen, July, 1980. 15. Ibid.
4. Timber Trails: History of Big River and District, Big River Book Committee, (North Battleford: Turnor Warwick Printers, 1979), p. 124. 10. Ibid 16. A Geographic Survey and Analysis of the Buffalo Region of Northern Sask., p. 145.
5. Ibid p. 311. 11. Trapping and Fishing in the Economy of Northern Sask., Report #3 "Economic and Social Survey of Northern Sask.", Research Division Centre for Community Studies, (Saskatoon: U. of Sask., March, 1962). 17. Interview with Richard Waite, August 5, 1980.
6. Timber Trails, Big River History Book Committee, p. 125. 12. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, (Meadow Lake: Amisk Planning Consultants, July 30, 1978), p. 37. 18. Interview with Claude Bouchard, July 29, 1980.

Chapter 5

1. A Geographic Survey and Analysis of the Buffalo Region of Northern Sask., C.S. Brown, (Saskatoon: Sask. Archives Board, File #3 6910), p. 54. 7. Buffalo Narrows, Memo From R.J. Isbister, Conservation Officer, Buffalo Narrows, Sask. to R. A.Brown, Area Administrator, Re: Fur Farm Fishing, (Buffalo Narrows: 1965).
2. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, (Meadow Lake: Amisk Planning Consultants, July 30, 1978), p. 37. 8. Buffalo Narrows, Memo from R.J.McKay, Field Supervisor to J.W. Cloutier, Superintendent of Northern Field Administration, (Buffalo Narrows).
 3. Interview with Halvor Ausland, September 1, 1980. 9. Buffalo Narrows, Memo from R.J. McKay, Field Supervisor to J.R. Gunn, (Buffalo Narrows: 1970).
4. A Geographic Survey and Analysis of the Buffalo Region of Northern Sask., Brown, p. 54. 10. Interview with Claude Bouchard, July 29, 1980.
5. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, Amisk Planning Consultants, p. 15. 11. Ibid.
6. Forest Resources of the Buffalo Narrows-Beauval Area of Northern Saskatchewan, (Saskatoon: Sask. Archive Board, 1956), p.15.  

Chapter 6

1. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, (Meadow Lake: Amisk Planning Consultants, July 30, 1978), p. 14. 17. Ibid.
2. Interview with Hazel MacDonald, July, 1980. 18. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, p. 15.
3. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, p. 14. 19. Roman Catholic Mission Records.
4. Ibid. 20. Interview with Elsie Pedersen About the Post Office.
5. Interview with Blanche MacDonald, July, 1980. 21. Roman Catholic Mission Records.
6. Ibid. 22. Interview with Elsie Pedersen About the Post Office.
7. Interview with John and Mary Hansen, July 1980. 23. Roman Catholic Mission Records.
8. Interview with Maglaire Morin, July 30, 1980. 24. Interview with Elsie Pedersen About the Post Office.
9. Buffalo Narrows Wharf File @323, Letter from G.B. Anderson, Acting District Engineer, Dep't. of Public Works to C.A.L. Hogg, Deputy Minister, Dep't. of Natural Resources, Sask. Archives Board, (Saskatoon: August 29, 1950). 25. Interview with Maglaire Morin, July 30, 1980.
10. Interview with Joyce and Gordon Taylor, July, 1980. 26. Interview with John and Mary Hansen, July 1980.
11. "Buffalo Narrows-Fish Gateway of the North", Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, (Saskatoon: October 2, 1950). 27. Roman Catholic Mission Records.
12. A Geographic Survey and Analysis of the Buffalo Region of Northern Sask.,
Sask. Archives Board,
File #6010 (Regina: 1952), p. 141.
28. A Geographic Survey and Analysis of the Buffalo Region of Northern Sask., p. 141.
13. Interview with John and Mary Hansen, July 1980. 29. Interview with Charles Cusator, Jackie McKay, July, 1980.
14. North to Cree Lake, Art Karras,
(Don Mills: General Publishing Co., 1975.
30. Annual Report of the Department of Natural Resources, (Regina: Lawrence Amon, Queen's Printer, 1958, Sask. Archives Board), p. 84.
15.Interview with John and Mary Hansen, July 1980. 31. Roman Catholic Mission Records.
16. Roman Catholic Mission Records,
(Buffalo Narrows: 1930-1980).

Chapter 7

1. Government in the North, Municipal Services Branch of D.N.S. (La Ronge), p. 1. 27. Annual Report of the Department of Education, Sask. Archives Board, (Saskatoon: King's Printer, 1949-1950), p. 29. 52. Roman Catholic Mission Records,
2. Buffalo Narrows, Memo from the Office of the Northern Executive Assistant, File #13762, (Buffalo Narrows: December 3, 1948). 28. Ibid. 53. Interview with Sister Frohlich, of the Grey Nuns, August, 1980.
3. Interview with Florence Petit, August 13, 1980. 29. Annual Report of the Department of Education, Sask. Archives Board, (1955-1956), p. 29. 54. Interview with Edwin Heal, Jackie McKay, july, 1980.
4. Interview with Alex Shatilla, July, 1980. 30. Ibid. 55. Interview with John Stephanson about St. marks Church, July 21, 1980.
5. Ibid. 31. Annual Report of the Department of Education, Sask. Archives Board, (1965-1966), p. 55. 56. Roman Catholic Mission Records.
6. Interview with Ross MacLeod, July 28, 1980. 32. Interview with Blanche MacDonald, July, 1980. 57. Interview with Joyce Taylor, July, 1980.
7. Five Years After, Timothy Meyers, (La Ronge: Extension Services Branch of D.N.S., 1978), p.23. 33. Annual Report of the Department of Education, Sask. Archives Board, (Saskatoon: 1977-1978), p. 36. 58. Interview with Alex Shatilla, July, 1980.
8. Ibid. 34. Roman Catholic Mission Records, 59. Interview with Blanche MacDonald, July, 1980.
9. Five Years After, Meyers, p.7. 35. Ibid. 60. Interview with Alex Shatilla, July, 1980.
10. Ibid. 36. A Geographic Survey and Analysis of the Buffalo Region of Northern Sask., Sask. Archives Board, File #6010 (Regina: 1952), p. 36. 61. Ibid.
11. Five Years After, Meyers, p.11. 37. Roman Catholic Mission Records, 62. "Seven Persons Dead in Axe Murder", Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, (Saskatoon: January 30, 1969).
12. Ibid. 38.Annual Report of the Department of Education, Sask. Archives Board, (Saskatoon:1946-1960). 63. Telephone Interview with Dick Engle, Credit Union Branch of the Department of Co-operation, (Regina: August 13, 1980).
13. Five Years After, Meyers, p. 12. 39. Roman Catholic Mission Records. 64. Telephone Interview with Gerry Parsons, Former Manager of Credit Union (La Ronge: August 12, 1980).
14. Ibid. 40. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, p. 15. 65. Telephone Interview with Dick Engle, Credit Union Branch of the Department of Co-operation, (Regina: August 13, 1980).
15. Five Years After, Meyers, pp. 15-16. 41. Annual Report of the Department of Education, Sask. Archives Board, (Saskatoon: 1947-1948), p. 37. 66. A Study of the Application of Social Group Work and Community Organization to the Community of Buffalo Narrows, Sask. During the Summer of 1957 Under the Auspices of the Dept. of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation, File# 6010, Sask. Archives Board, (Saskatoon: August 28, 1957), p.7.
16. Ibid. 42. Ibid. 67. "Northern Town Plans Carnival", Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, (Saskatoon: February 22, 1968).
17. Five Years After, Meyers, p.25 43. Reid Report on Northern Schools, Reid, p. 55. 68. A Study in the Application of Social Group Work....Rehabilitation, p. 15.
18. Roman Catholic Mission Records, (Buffalo Narrows: 1930-1980). 44. Interview with Joyce and Gordon Taylor, July, 1980. 69. Roman Catholic Mission Records,
19. Meadow Lake Planning Study, (Meadow Lake Amisk Planning Consultants, July 30, 1978), p. 13. 45. Roman Catholic Mission Records, 70. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study, p. 15.
20. Roman Catholic Mission Records, 46. Ibid. 71. Roman Catholic Mission Records,
21. Interview with Claudia Petit, July 29, 1980. 47. Buffalo Narrows, File #6373, Sask. Archives Board (Saskatoon: 1948-1954). 72. The visitor, (Buffalo Narrows: Gospel Lighthouse, August and October, 1946.
22. Roman Catholic Mission Records, 48. Ibid. 73. The Narrows Narrator, (Buffalo Narrows School, October, 1947 and January, 1950).
23. Ibid. 49. Roman Catholic Mission Records, 74. The Snowshoe Telegraph, (Buffalo Narrows: Unity Training Centre Inc., April 15, 1965).
25. Roman Catholic Mission Records, 50. Ibid. 75. Roman Catholic Mission Records,
26. Ibid. 51. Buffalo Narrows, File #6375, "History of the Ladies Hospital Aid",
Sask. Archives Board, (Saskatoon: 1947-1954).
76. Interview with Phillip Chartier About the Metis Society, July 22, 1980.

Chapter 8

1. 36. A Geographic Survey and Analysis of the Buffalo Region of Northern Sask.,
Sask. Archives Board, File #6010
(Regina: 1952), p. 100.
17. Roman Catholic Mission Records.
2. Roman Catholic Mission Records,
(Buffalo Narrows: 1930-1980).
18. Interview with Alex Shatilla, July, 1980.
3. Interview with Joyce Taylor, July, 1980. 19. Interview with Skipper Pedersen, August 30, 1980.
4. A Geographic Survey and Analysis of the Buffalo Region of Northern Sask., p. 100. 20. Interview with Maglaire Morin, July 30, 1980
5. Roman Catholic Mission Records, 21. Interview with Gordon Taylor, July, 1980.
6. Interview with Skipper Pedersen, August 20, 1980. 22. Interview with Skipper Pedersen, August 30, 1980.
7. Interview with Ross MacLeod, August 21, 1980. 23. Interview with Richard Waite, August 5, 1980.
8. Telephone Interview with Gerry Parsons, (La Ronge: August 12, 1980). 24. Ibid.
9. Ibid 25. Interview with Hazel MacDonald, July, 1980.
10. Interview with Blanche MacDonald, July, 1980. 26. Interview with Leon McCallum, August 13, 1980.
11. Interview with Skipper Pedersen, August 30, 1980. 27. Roman Catholic Mission Records,
12. Interview with Maglaire Morin, July 30, 1980. 28. Interview with Skipper Pedersen, August 30, 1980.
13. Interview with Hazel MacDonald, July, 1980. 29. Interview with Kenneth Petit, December 17, 1980.
14. Interview with Hazel MacDonald, July, 1980. 30. Ibid.
15. Interview with Richard Waite, August 5, 1980. 31. Interview with Gordon Taylor, July, 1980.
16. Buffalo Narrows, File #235, Memo from Davidson to Churchman, April 19, 1954,
Sask. Archives Board, (Saskatoon).

Chapter 9

1. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study,
(Meadow Lake: Amisk Planning
Consultants, July 30, 1978), p. 30.
4. Ibid
2. Ibid. 5. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study.
3. Buffalo Narrows Planning Study.  

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Author: Webmaster - jkcc.com
"Date Modified: December 9, 2024."

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