Dore Lake header.

Dore Lake Memories - Part Ten.

Horned owls. Horned owls.
Tom and Mary McBride

By Opal Swedberg.

From 1948 to the 1960s, our towerman was Tom McBride. Mary, his wife, was of native origin and although she spoke little or no English and Tom never spoke Cree, they never had a communication problem. Whenever Mary wanted to go to the South End of Dore she would come to our cabin, knock on the door and say, "You take me my house Dore Lake", and away we would go. Many pleasant evenings were spent listening to Tom's stories, about his arrival in Canada, from Ireland and his life in the North. One day Del Joncas went to visit Tom and Mary. As he entered the cabin he said, "Gee Mary it smells good in here, what are you cooking, chicken?" "No", replied Mary, "Whoo, Whoo! (owl)"

Tom and Mary McBride, August, 1955.
Tom and Mary McBride, August, 1955.

Verner Johnson's Boat.
Verner Johnson's boat.

Ted Figeland.
Ted Figeland.

Geir Thorden.
Geir Thorden.

Ida May, Ted, Carol, and Shirley Johnson.
Left to right: Ida May, Ted. Carol, and Shirley Johnson.

Group of unidentified people.
Group of unidentified people.

Setting up camp.
Setting up camp.

Sawmill and Box Factory.
Sawmill and Box Factory.

Model A used with skis on the ice.
Model A used with skis on the ice. Jeep needed to go to town over the muddy road. Bombardier for winter fishing.

Fredrickson's pet moose.
Fredrickson's pet moose.

Garry Viden and Ferdie Edquist at Waite's lumber pile.
Garry Viden and Ferdie Edquist at Waite's lumber pile.

Jordan, Maxine and Wayne Johnson.
Jordan, Maxine and Wayne Johnson.

Email image.
Guestbook image.

Author: Webmaster -
"Date Modified: January 25, 2025."

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E. Rendle Bowness

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Hugh McKay Ross

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| Lost Land of the Caribou |
Ed Theriau

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Bush Pilot

| George Greening |
Bush Pilot

| Timber Trails |
A History of Big River

| Joe Anstett, Trapper |

| Bill Windrum, Bush Pilot |

| Face the North Wind |
By Art Karas

| North to Cree Lake |
By Art Karas

| Look at the Past |
A History Dore Lake

| George Abbott |
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| These Are The Prairies |

| William A. A. Jay, Trapper |

| John Hedlund, Trapper |

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1952 to 1956

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Buffalo Narrows

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Berry Richards

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