Dore Lake header.

Dore Lake Footnotes - Part One.

Pine Marten. Pine Marten.

1. What's In a Name, E. T. Russell, (Western Producer Prairie Books, Saskatoon, Sask.), pg. 85.
2. "1914 Survey Report", Public Archives of Canada, Call No. RG 39, Vol. 452, File 41701,
(Ottawa, Ontario, Dec. 18, 1914)

Fishing - The early years.

Denosa, "Commercial Fishing is more than a job. It's a way of life", Rick Belanger,
(Denosa Magazine, La Ronge, Saskatchewan, 1980).

1. Atlas of Saskatchewan, J. H. Richards and K. I. Tung, (Modern Press, Saskatoon, Sask., 1969), pg. 146.
2. Ibid. pg. 146.
5. Fisheries Branch, D.N.S., "Changes in the Fishery of Dore Lake between 1956 and 1967", R. Johnson,
(Prince Albert, Sask., 1967), pg. 68.

6. Fisheries Branch, D.N.S., "Letter from Richard Orr, (Prince Albert, Sask. November 5, 1981).
7. Letter from Florence Olsen, March 1981.
8. Public Archives of Canada, "Survey Report by Saskatchewan Reconnaissance Survey Party No. 2",
(Ottawa, Ont., December 18, 1914), pg. 17.

9. Letter from Mrs. C. Rizer, Spring 1980.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. Fisheries Branch, "Commercial Production Report, Dore Lake", (Prince Albert, Sask., 1981).
14. Fisheries Branch, "Letter from Richard Orr", (Prince Albert, Sask., November 5, 1981).
15. Fisheries Branch, "Commercial Production Report Dore Lake", (Prince Albert, Sask., 1981).
16. "Letter to Big River Consolidated Fisheries from Dominion Lands Office", Saskatchewan Archives Board,
(Prince Albert, Sask., February 27, 1920).

17 A History of Buffalo Narrows, Wuorinen, (Friesen Printers, Altona, Manitoba).
18. Ibid. pg. 125.

A Fisherman's Day.

1. Letter from Andrew Boychuk, Spring 1981.
2. A History of Buffalo Narrows, Richard Wuorinen, (Friesen Printers, Altona, Manitoba, 1981), pg. 17.
3. Letter from Andrew Boychuk, Spring 1981.
4. "My First Fishing Trip North", Eric Erickson.

A New Era

1. A History of Buffalo Narrows, Richard Wuorinen, (Friesen Printers, Altona, Manitoba, 1981), pg. 28.
2. Letter from Martha Waite, Spring 1980.
3. Letter from Martha Waite, Spring 1980.
4. "Harry Husak of Dore Lake", Graham Guest, (Denosa, August, 1981), pg. 19.
5. Letter from Martha Waite, Spring 1980.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Interview with Robert Snell.
9. Interview with Ted and Carol Johnson.

Quotas and Prices.

1. "Letter from Department of Fisheries, Richard Orr, (Prince Albert, Sask., Nov. 5, 1981).
2. Ibid.
3. lbid.
4. Letter from John Thompson, Spring 1980.
5. Ibid.
6. Letter from Nels Edson, Winter 1980.
7. Letter from Marion Goliath, Winter 1979.

The Commercial Fishery Today.

Summary of the report, "Changes in the Fishery of Dore Lake between 1956 and 1967", R. P. Johnson,
(Fisheries Branch, Prince Albert, Sask., 1967).

Freighting - The Early Years.

1. Letter from Gaudoise Trembley, November 1981.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Letter from Bernice Snell, Winter 1980.
5. Letter from Gaudoise Trembley, November 1981. Routes and Stopping Places
1. Letter from Gaudoise Trembley, November 1981.
2 Letter from Chris Wopnford, October 1981.
3. Public Archives of Canada, "Survey Report by Saskatchewan Reconnaissance Survey Party No. 2",
(Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1914) pg. 16.
4. Letter from Gaudoise Trembley, November 1981.
5. Public Archives of Canada, "Survey Report by Saskatchewan Reconnaissance Survey Party No. 2",
(Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1914), pg. 17.
6. My First Fishing Trip North, Eric Erickson.
7. Ibid.
8. Letter from Florence Olsen, Fall 1980.
9. Letter from Nels Edson, Spring 1980.
10. "Harry Husak of Dore Lake", Graham Guest, (Denosa Magazine, August, 1981), Pg.19.
11. Letter to Big River Consolidated Fisheries from Dominion Lands Office, Saskatchewan Archives Board,
(Prince Albert, Sask., April 26, 1921.)
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. Ile-a-la-Crosse 1776-1976, Robert Longpre,
(Ile-a-la-Crosse Bi-Centennial Committee, Ile-a-la-Crosse, 1976) pg. 57.
16. Letter from Gaudoise Trembley, November 1981.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid.

Later Years.

1. Letter from Gaudoise Trembley, November 1981.
2. Ibid.

Freighting Tales.

1. Letter from Alonzo Gallant, Spring 1980.
2. Letter from John Hoehn, December 1981.
3. Letter from Gaudoise Trembley, November 1981.

Timber Operations.

1. "Memo Dore Lake Area", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 242 Gl,
(Prince Albert, Sask., Feb. 21, 1951).
2. "Dore Lake Timber Report", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 242 GI,
(Prince Albert, Sask., Aug. 20, 1947), pg.!.
3. Ibid.
4. "Permit for Big River Consolidated Fisheries Sawmill", Saskatchewan Archives Board,
(Ottawa, Ont., 1919).
5. Letter from Florence Olsen, Spring 1980.
6. Letter from Mrs. C. Rizer, Spring 1980.
7. Letter from Martha Waite, Spring 1980.
8. "Dore Lake Timber Report", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 24201,
(Prince Albert, Sask., Aug. 20 1947), pg. 2.
9. Ibid., pg.2.
10. Letter from Martha Waite, Spring, 1980.
11. Interview with Peggy Johnson, Winter, 1980.
12. "Department Memo, Dore Lake's Operations", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 242 01,
(Prince Albert, Sask., May 29, 1948.
13. "Dore Lake Timber Report", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 242 GI,
(Prince Albert, Sask., Aug. 20, 1947), pg. 2.
14 Interview with Bernice Snell, April 1982. IS. Ibid.

Mink Ranching.

"Mink Ranching Mostly a Thing of the Past", Gerard Makuch, (Denosa Magazine, La Ronge, Sask., October 1981).
1. Letter from Peggy Johnson, Winter 1980.
2. Interview with Bernice Snell, April 1982.
3. "Use of Mink Nets During Commercial Fishing Season", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 244A,
(Prince Albert, Sask., April 18, 1958), pg. 3.
4. Interview with Bernice Snell, April 1982.

The Natural Resources Department.

1. Interview with Jack Keel, Resource Officer.
2. Letter from Florence Olsen, Fall 1980.
3. "Housing Particulars", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 137D, (Prince Albert, Sask., Dec., 1949).
4. "Forest Protection and Improvement Report", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 137D,
(Prince Albert, Sask., Feb. 1949).
5. "Buildings", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 137D, (Prince Albert, Sask.).
6. "Housing Particulars", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. I 37D, (Prince Albert, Sask., Dec. 1949).
7. "Sled Lake Headquarters", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 137D,
(Prince Albert, Sask., Dec. 1949).
8. "Proposed Field Officers headquarters", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 137D,
(Prince Albert, Sask., Jan. 1951).
9. "Budget Estimates 1951-52", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 122E, (Prince Albert, Sask., April 1951).
10. Letter from Ted Arsenault, 1980.

The Dore Lake Road.

1. "Dore Lake Road", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 322, (Prince Albert, Sask., Jan. 31, 1949).
2. Ibid.
3. Letter from Bernice Snell, Winter, 1980.
4. Ibid.
5. "Dore Lake Road", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 322, (Prince Albert, Sask., Jan. 31, 1949).
6. Ibid.
7. "Dore Lake Road", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 322, (November 6, 1950).
8. Ibid.
9. "Dore Lake Road", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 322,
(Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, November 1953).
10. "Regarding Traffic on the Dore Lake Road", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 322,
(Prince Albert, Sask., June 23, 1954).

Construction of the Wharf.

1. "Memo Department of Public Works Canada", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 323,
(Regina, Sept. 24, 1949).
2. "Wharf Proposal at South Bay", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 323, (Regina, Sask., Oct. 12, 1949).
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. "Memo Department of Public Works Canada", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 323,
(Regina, Sask., October 12, 1949).
6. "Approval For Wharf", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 323, (Regina, Sask., May 19, 1950).

Postal Service.

1. Letter from John Thompson, Winter 1980. Interview with Florence Viden.

Dore Lake's Tourist Industry.

1. Letter to H. 0. Young, Director of Conservation, Saskatchewan Archives Board,
(Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, 1956).
2. "Monthly Progress Report", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 155D, (Prince Albert, June, 1951).
3. "D.N.R. Monthly Progress Report", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 155D, (Prince Albert, July 1955).
4. Ibid.
5. "Dore Lake Development", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No, 241B3A, (Prince Albert, October 21, 1957).
6. "Dore Lake Summer Cabins", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 241B3A, (Prince Albert, October 15, 1957).

Dore Lake Lodge.

1. "Proposed lease, R.W. and B .W. Fellows, Shellbrook", Saskatchewan Archives Board, File No. 241 B32,
(Prince Albert, October 29, 1957).


Interview with Bernice and Bob Snell.
Curling Rink and Community Hall
Interview with Bernice and Bob Snell.

The Community Church
Interview with Bernice Snell and Florence Viden.

The Dore Lake Fire.

1. Interview with Conservation Officer Jack Keel.
2. Letter from Carol Johnson.
Local Advisory Council
Letter from Florence Viden, Winter, 1980.

Did You Know . .

1. "Survey Report by Arthur Saint Cyr, 1910", Public Archives of Canada, (Ottawa, Ont., November, 1910).
2. Letter from Energy Mines and Resources, Alan Rayburn, (Ottawa, Ont., June, 1981).
3. Ibid.

Growth of a Community.

1. Ile-a-la-Crosse 1776-1976, Robert Longpre, (Ile-a-la-Crosse, Bi-Centennial Committee, 1976), pg. 21.
2. Ibid.

e-mail image.
Guestbook 1mage.

Author: Webmaster -
"Date Modified: December 13, 2024."

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